2| Getting Older

With how busy Mom and Dad have been, I make sure Red has some attention. He’s such a good boy, he checks on everybody…I want him to know that we appreciate him.

Life may be crazy, but it’s not all bad. School’s going well, and soon I’ll be entering High School. I can’t wait to get into Physics and Calculus.

Cayson’s been in a mood lately. I think it’s more than a mood, but he won’t talk to me. ‘You don’t get it’ is what he responds with. I’m smarter than most kid’s my age, but alright Cayson. Mom still feels the need to tutor me even though I finish my work at school…so I just pretend that I have problems. I know she is sad my birthday is soon. It seems everyone is struggling nowadays.

Part of me considered making a ‘happy’ serum or something similar and spike the family water supply…but Dad is freaked out enough right now. Maybe later?

I know Cayson’s grades are slipping…I offered to help him with his Algebra. He ignored me.

Winter is most certainly on its way. Do you think we’ll get snow that sticks this year? Yeah, me either.

I spent most of the time playing by myself.

Red made sure I wasn’t too lonely. I’ll be alright buddy, I know Mom and Dad are worrying and busy with things right now, I’m good bud.

Today is Xialla and I’s birthday! Dad seemed to come out of his worried state, if just for a selfie.

It was great to spend time with family. Family is what makes the heart keep going, it grows stronger as laughter and dance fills the space around it.

Happy birthday to me! I’m the perfect blend of my parents if you ask me. Mom says I’m handsome and Dad looks like he’s about to cry.

It was a great party…plus, I got to start on that Calculus like I wanted!

Xialla was more than happy to work on her homework with me, and was happy to get my help with her multiplication tables.

Of course being a teenager isn’t always great. Moodswings. Here I thought Cayson was just struggling…perhaps it’s a moodswing.

I spent some time jogging, preparing my body for the athletics season that was coming up. I think I might try out for football…or perhaps Track. I haven’t decided yet. Maybe soccer…Oh, and the swim team. Definitely the swim team. Dad can’t help cause he never did swim team, but he promises to be at every single meet I have…once I make it of course. I’ll let y’all know how that goes next time.


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